This study set out to examine the operation of Scottish family law in child contact cases in the context of domestic abuse. The overall objective was to determine whether and how the interpretation and application of relevant civil law statutory provisions are informed by contemporary understandings of domestic abuse as enshrined in Scottish criminal law, with a view to providing useful research-based information to support considered thinking which, in turn, may enhance policy and practice work in this area.
The study reported in December 2022, with a set of eight key messages including finding a lack of mechanisms for information about domestic abuse to reach the civil courts in child contact cases and a lack of awareness among practitioners of how domestic abuse affects children.
Read more in the report or the executive summary. You can also read the press release accompanying the report launch.
In January 2024 the research team hosted a workshop with legal practitioners to look at the practicalities of implementing the report recommendations. You can look at the visual minutes of the workshop, which considered four priority recommendations from the report:
Project Team Profiles
Links to profile pages on respective University websites: